Notice: Undefined index: lang in /var/www/rtads/data/www/ on line 1
RTADS::Материалы::Для начинающих авторов


система разработки интерактивной литературы на русском языке

Лицензионное соглашение

Так как RTADS является модификацией исходных библиотек,
то на них распространяется нижеследующая лицензия
создателя системы. С моей стороны (А. Гранкин) накладываются
следующие условия:

1. Библиотеки RTADS можно модифицировать и свободно
   распространять, но сохраняя чёткое указание на факт
   модификации и оригинальные сообщения о копирайте.
   Получивший от Вас копию библиотек имеет такие же
   права, как и Вы.
2. Вы МОЖЕТЕ использовать библиотеки RTADS для 
   написания своих игр, которые можете потом 
   распроcтранять, как Вам будет угодно. Вы можете 
   включить исходники библиотек, если распространяете
   игру в виде исходной программы.

   Вы НЕ МОЖЕТЕ распространять RTADS на коммерческой
   основе, а также не можете использовать RTADS как бы
   то ни было, за исключением создания игр,
   как это было описано выше. 
3. Автор RTADS не использовал каких-либо разрушительных
   алгоритмов, и поэтому за любой вред нанесённый 
   использованием данных исходных текстов он 
   ответственности не несёт.

Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Гранкин А. П.
Название RTADS является названием разработанных 
А.Граникиным библиотек.

Название RTADS используется с разрешения Майкла Робертса.

TADS:  The Text Adventure Development System - Version 2.2 
Copyright (c) 1992, 1998 by Michael J. Roberts. All Rights 

This software is provided as "freeware."  This means that 
you can use it without charge, but it is NOT public domain 
software.  You must still comply with certain restrictions 
that the author places upon its use.  You may use this 
software without any charge.  You may also freely share this 
software with others, as long as you make no changes to the 
software and include all the files you received when giving 
a copy to someone else.


    This software is provided under a license agreement and 
    may be used only in accordance with the terms and 
    conditions of the license and with inclusion of the 
    copyright notice.  This software is the sole property of 
    Michael J. Roberts.  No title to or ownership of this 
    software is hereby transferred.

    The information contained in this software is subject to 
    change without notice and should not be construed as a 
    commitment by the author.

    You are hereby granted permission to use, reproduce, and 
    distribute this software subject to all of the following 

    1. You must include this license and the copyright 
    notice with all copies. 
    2. You may not require or 
    collect a fee for copies of this software, or any part 
    of this software, that you give to other people. 
    3. You may not include this software with any
    other software for which a fee is collected. 
    4. You may not modify this software in any way,
    and each copy you make and distribute must 
    be a full and complete copy of the software you 
    originally received. 
    5. Anyone to whom you give a copy of this software 
    receives all of the same permissions that you 
    did under this License.

    An exception to the above terms is granted for the TADS 
    Run-time executable (the application program, which is 
    part of TADS, that allows TADS games to be played).  The 
    TADS Run-time executable may be redistributed subject 
    only to the following restrictions: it is distributed as 
    part of a game developed with TADS; the game contains 
    your own copyright notice; and the TADS run- time 
    executable is not modified in any way, and in particular 
    displays its copyright notice.

    In other words, we don't want others to make a profit 
    from selling TADS itself, but we want TADS game 
    developers to be able to share or sell their games 
    (which necessarily must include the TADS run-time 
    executable) in any way they please.

    In addition, you may modify and use the included library 
    files, adv.t and std.t, in any way you want, provided 
    that if you redistribute modified copies of these files 
    in source form, the copies must include the original 
    copyright notice, and must be clearly marked as modified 
    from the original version.

    Anyone unable or unwilling to comply with any of the 
    terms and conditions of this license must destroy or 
    otherwise discard all copies of this software in his or 
    her possession.


    Because this software is distributed as freeware, you 
    assume the entire responsibility for determining whether 
    the software fits your needs and whether it functions 

    Michael J. Roberts and any distributors of this software 
    specifically disclaim any and all warranties, expressed 
    or implied, including but not limited to implied 
    warranties of merchantability and fitness for a 
    particular purpose, with regard to this software.  In no 
    event will the author or any distributor of this 
    software be liable to you for any damages, including 
    lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or 
    consequential damages arising out of the use or 
    inability to use this software, even if any of these 
    parties has been advised of the possibility of such 
    damages, or for any claim by any other party.

ABOUT HIGH ENERGY SOFTWARE --------------------------

High Energy Software formerly distributed TADS as a 
shareware system, but is no longer in business.  Mike 
Roberts, the developer of TADS, is now maintaining and 
distributing the system as freeware.  We have made an effort 
to remove references from these files to High Energy 
Software and its former telephone and other contact 
information, since all of those numbers and addresses are no 
longer in service. If we inadvertantly left any such 
references intact, please disregard them, since they're 
Copyright © 2002-2015 Гранкин Андрей
Лицензионное соглашение
Жду писем:
Сайт появился 13.09.2002
Дизайн и хостинг: Дмитрий Смирнов